Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I was crossing the crowded Qasr el Aini highway near my house with my roommates, on the way to church. We sort of gaged the fact that a horse cart was crossing the highway behind us and the cars rushing towards us, picked up the pace a little and my roommate A barely missed being hit by the cart. While we emerge safely on the other side of the road, we hear a "BABOOMP BABOOM BOOM!", followed by collective sounds of surprise from the hundreds of men sitting around on the street. We all turn to look behind us only to see a horse, legs flailing in the air, on top of the hood of a car. We collectively draw in a shocked breath, before we can exhale, the horse is on its feet and cantering the rest of the way across the street... And the whole street breaths a sigh of relief and laughs at the same time. Yep, that is my first witnessing of a horse-car collision.

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